The Garden By The Numbers
2013 - 1st Year
Garden Slogan: “DYG IT!”
We developed partnerships with Trinity Lutheran, Polk Co 4H Extention, The City of Dallas, and Polk County Service Ingration.
In the spring we built the garden behind Trinity Lutheran Church in Dallas including a 12’x16’ garden shed, 6’x600’ deer fence, and a 350’ water system.
We hired six interns
We delivered more than 800 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program
Interns and Supervisors Before We Started & The Garden is Built
Garden Slogan: “Life’s A Garden DYG IT! “
We hired eight interns and an alternate
We expanded the market garden space behind Trinity Lutheran
We create a small fruit tree orc
We donated over 6000 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program.
Interns and Supervisors Garden Tours and Harvest
Garden Slogan: “I DYG Plants “
We hired eight interns and an alternate
We planted more trees
We improved our advisor/mentor structure
We donated over 4700 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program.
Interns Planted Garden & Harvest Loaded in the Truck
Garden Slogan: “Delivering Yummy Greens“
We hired eight interns
We donated almost 5700 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program.
Interns Tomato Harvest & Fair Ribbons
Garden Slogan: “I WET MY PLANTS! “
We hired nine interns
We become a 501(c)(3) NonProfit Organization
We donated over 2500 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program.
Interns Planting & Spreading Mulch
Garden Slogan: “We Really DYG Our Garden“
We hired nine interns
Created a new senior intern position for a college age person
Built another working table for processing produce
Harvested and donated over 3200 pounds of produce
Interns Before Planting & Garden In July
Garden Slogan: “I love gardening from my head to-ma-toes “
We hired ten interns and one senior intern
We harvested and donated over 3100 pounds of fresh produce to the Willamette Valley Food Assistance Program.
Interns and Supervisors Planting & Garden Demonstration
Garden Slogan: “The Masked Gardener “
Hired 10 Interns
Hired 2 Senior Interns
Polk County Family and Community Outreach Program became our sponsor
Successfully dealt with Covid19 and smoke from valley fires!
We harvested and donated over 5300 pounds of fresh produce to the Dallas Food Bank and the Polk County Resource Center.
Interns Summer Smoke & The Masked Gardeners & A Weekly August Harvest
Garden Slogan: “Don’t Kale My Vibe “
Hired 10 Interns
Successfully dealt with Covid19 constraints for the second year
Add pole beans to our crops list
Continued our great relationship with the Polk County Family and Community Outreach Program
We harvested and donated over 4200 pounds of fresh produce to the Dallas Food Bank and the Polk County Resource Center.
Interns Starting to Plant & Garden Work in July
Garden Slogan: “Lettuce Romaine Calm “
We hired eight interns and two senior interns
Interns persevered through a HARD spring with LOTS of devastating rains.
We had a great crop of lettuce and pole beans while Tomatoes and Summer Squash suffered from early rains.
We donated over 1500 pounds of fresh produce to the Dallas Food Bank and the Polk County Resource Center.
Early July Garden
Early May Rains
The June Flood